Tag Archives: Business Services

2018: A Small Business Plan for Success

This time of year, business owners are wrapping up 2017 and looking ahead to 2018. A recap of 2017 shows you not only what happened, but what you did to make it happen.   As you look to your strategic plans for 2018, ask yourself these four questions: What happened in 2017 that was NOT a resultContinue Reading

PEO: More Than Just a Paycheck

When you think of PEO services what is the first thing that comes to mind?  Most managers would answer, “Payroll”.  But Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) perform many Human Resource functions that can drain the resources of small to medium-sized businesses.  One such service is administering verifications. Verification of employment and wages are made to lendersContinue Reading

Would You Do Business with You?

Think about it.  Would you do business with you?  Look at it from your customers’ perspective.  What are the reasons your customers select you?  Is it because you are a local business? Is it because you’ve contracted Telus customer service for customer support? Is it because you’ve been producing quality metrics continuously? Because you stayContinue Reading

What Don’t You Do?

A recent survey by Public Opinion Strategies found that small businesses across a wide range of industries and sectors, depend on a variety of business services.  Of the small business owners surveyed, more than 65% of the companies utilize payroll and insurance broker services.   More than 35% of respondents indicated the company uses human resourceContinue Reading

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