Tag Archives: emergency preparedness

Understanding Wage and Hour Issues During and After Natural Disasters

  A Practical Guide for Employers For employers, navigating wage and hour issues can be complex, especially when unexpected circumstances arise. It’s important for employers to understand their obligations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and related state laws. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you manage these situations effectively. Paying Employees Who Aren’tContinue Reading

Breaking News!

With these penalty amounts rising, companies must make sure they remain compliant with employment laws. UniqueHR can provide compliance assistance with employment laws and regulations and help your employees better understand their rights and responsibilities. Reach out today to learn more about our partnership opportunities.    

Hurricane Preparedness: What’s the plan at work?

With hurricane season upon us, it’s essential to prepare by stocking up on supplies, determining potential risks, checking insurance, and developing an evacuation plan.  Being prepared also applies to the workplace, as employers are responsible for providing an evacuation plan that ensures workers can get to safety if a hurricane affects the area.  According toContinue Reading

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