Tag Archives: Labor

Keeping Your Workplace Safe During the Summer Heat

  How to keep your team safe while remaining compliant. As confirmed by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS), the summer of 2023 was Earth’s hottest since global records began in 1880. That being said, employers like yourself should be prepared for the heavy heat that is upon us. OSHA Requirements TheContinue Reading

Our New Portal Improves HR Task Management Efficiency

  Save more time and money while also reducing stress. Running a business can be quite overwhelming. You are working to expand and make a profit while also managing day-to-day human resources (HR) tasks. To enable you to focus your efforts on activities that actually grow your business, we created a portal that will enhanceContinue Reading

Summer help and child labor laws

The summer months are here, and teenagers are looking for ways to earn extra money and experience during their vacations. Meanwhile, some businesses are looking to fill possible labor shortages they might have. It’s a good time for both sides. Still, when hiring minors for part-time or entry-level positions, it’s important to understand child laborContinue Reading

Heat-related Illness and the workplace

The summer heat is out in full swing, and for many laborers, that means working in hot indoor and outdoor environments for a long time.  Being exposed to such conditions can heat-related illnesses that can cause physical harm and even death.  These risks are not for the employee alone. Employers must be wary of theseContinue Reading

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