Tag Archives: safety

Employer Updates Around the California Fires

  The recent fires have significantly affected everyone in the surrounding areas of Los Angeles and Ventura counties due to the poor air quality, power outages and not being able to access their homes and businesses. In many cases, losing them altogether. Below are regulations and important considerations that employers must keep in mind toContinue Reading

Understanding Wage and Hour Issues During and After Natural Disasters

  A Practical Guide for Employers For employers, navigating wage and hour issues can be complex, especially when unexpected circumstances arise. It’s important for employers to understand their obligations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and related state laws. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you manage these situations effectively. Paying Employees Who Aren’tContinue Reading

Keeping Your Workplace Safe During the Summer Heat

  How to keep your team safe while remaining compliant. As confirmed by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS), the summer of 2023 was Earth’s hottest since global records began in 1880. That being said, employers like yourself should be prepared for the heavy heat that is upon us. OSHA Requirements TheContinue Reading

Heat-related Illness and the workplace

The summer heat is out in full swing, and for many laborers, that means working in hot indoor and outdoor environments for a long time.  Being exposed to such conditions can heat-related illnesses that can cause physical harm and even death.  These risks are not for the employee alone. Employers must be wary of theseContinue Reading

COVID-19: Back to Business Ultimate Cheat Sheet

Businesses are gearing up to get back to …well, business.  This cheat sheet will help you consider things to keep your work environment safe, and help you develop a plan of action for return-to-work in a post-pandemic world.  Before opening your business, be sure to review federal, state, and local protocols for your industry.  CheckContinue Reading

Top 10 Most Frequent OSHA Citations

“Top 10” lists on late-night TV shows can be fun.  But with OSHA penalties as high as $13,260 per violation and up to $132,598 per violation for willful or repeated violations, this is a “Top 10” you want to avoid. Here we go… OSHA Ten Most Frequent Citations from 2018 10.  1,536 violations:   Personal ProtectiveContinue Reading

Expertise Where It Counts

Expertise is defined by Webster’s as “a high level of knowledge or skill”.  Many businesses simply can’t afford to hire experts on staff.  For this reason, it has become commonplace for companies to contract with outside accountants and attorneys.  Ever-changing laws and regulations make having an accountant and attorney a must for any business. WhatContinue Reading

Safety Update: New OSHA Final Rule

OSHA’s new final rule brings safety standards up to date after more than 40 years.  The final rule reduces U.S. workers’ exposure to respirable crystalline silica, and requires engineering controls such as water or ventilation, or respirators when engineering controls are not adequate.  This is an effort to curb diseases such as lung cancer, kidneyContinue Reading

In the Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey

As Texas endures a hurricane, tornadoes, and catastrophic flooding, all of us at UniqueHR are grateful for our safety and hold those less fortunate in our communities in our thoughts and prayers.  The devastation of Hurricane Harvey a few miles from our corporate office, and the flooding in the Houston area and throughout Texas giveContinue Reading

Workplace Safety: Avoid Spider Bites

As the weather warms, workplace safety is top priority as many jobs gear up for outdoor activity—perhaps spring cleaning of a work site or storage building.  Care should be taken as warm weather is also a time for spiders to be active. In the South and Midwest, brown recluse and black widow spiders are theContinue Reading

Job Site Safety: Drink Up to Combat Dehydration

Job site safety isn’t all about power cords and ladders. The heat can take its toll. Now is the time to prepare for Spring and Summer weather. Believe it or not, something as simple as sharing a drink—of water, that is—may mean the difference between productivity and injury. Dehydration taxes mental and physical health. InvestContinue Reading

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