Tag Archives: Company Culture
How a PEO can help employee retention

One of the biggest challenges for many small to mid-sized businesses is being able to retain top talent. Employee turnover is time-consuming and costly, but UniqueHR’s PEO services can help with retention and reduce some of those costs. THE COST Turnover rate varies by industry, but the US average comes in at 18%, with aContinue Reading
UniqueHR can offer your growing business peace of mind

Administrative responsibilities such as payroll, benefits, HR (human resources), risk management, and compliance can create time and financial burdens. As a result, they force an owner’s attention away from their business’s core mission and hinder potential profitability. Seeking out an experienced and reliable Professional Employer Organization (PEO) such as UniqueHR to manage these integral partsContinue Reading
PEO Clients Survive to Thrive

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a new set of challenges that all businesses have confronted over the last year and a half. The following information is the result of a short-term analysis of how PEO clients have fared from early 2020 through July 2021 across a range of different measures in the following broad categories:Continue Reading
2021 Workplace Trends

We all have high hopes for 2021 after reeling through the quagmire of 2020. How will 2020 shape the workplace of 2021? Here are some top trends from the experts at Glassdoor, LinkedIn, and Benchmark One. Changing workplace One thing the experts agree on is that in the post-COVID-19 world, the workplace will never beContinue Reading

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” The holidays are upon us. The year is coming to a close. It’s time to celebrate! It’s time to give extra attention to the good things in life, whether big or small. Why Celebrate? Celebrations connect us to other people—to family, friends, co-workers, clients, or even strangers. Continue Reading
Hiring: Making the Right Choice

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) policies, and numerous state and federal laws prohibiting hiring discrimination can make the interview process seem like an obstacle course. However, knowing the law and following it can lead you down a clear path of finding the best employee for your open position, of course after the background check online servicesContinue Reading
People and Diversity …Every Organization’s Greatest Investment

Whether you are a company of one or one thousand, each person you employ is your greatest investment. Getting the highest rate of return on your “people” investment involves another investment—embracing diversity. Demographic trends identified by Pew Research Center include racial and ethnic diversity in the United States on a continuous rise. By 2055, itContinue Reading
5 Steps to Succession Planning

Succession planning is a common topic in a family-owned business, like UniqueHR. It has been a long-term plan for Chris Bradford to carry on the business after his parents retire. Although Chris has worked in the business since high school, careful planning will ensure a smooth transition to the next generation. Chris’ son, Nick hasContinue Reading
Would You Do Business with You?

Think about it. Would you do business with you? Look at it from your customers’ perspective. What are the reasons your customers select you? Is it because you are a local business? Is it because you’ve contracted Telus customer service for customer support? Is it because you’ve been producing quality metrics continuously? Because you stayContinue Reading
Workplace Bullying

As a kid on the playground, it was easy to spot a bully. He or she was the one stealing lunch money, pushing others down in the sandbox, or the ringleader of the group pointing and laughing at the little guy with glasses. How easy is it to spot a bully in the workplace? ResearchContinue Reading
Buffering Bias Means Better Hires

If something you couldn’t see was keeping your business from growing, wouldn’t you want to do something about it? What if it meant admitting something about yourself you wouldn’t be so proud of, such as the idea that when it comes to hiring, you tend for no reason at all to dismiss some people outContinue Reading