Workplace Safety: Avoid Spider Bites

As the weather warms, workplace safety is top priority as many jobs gear up for outdoor activity—perhaps spring cleaning of a work site or storage building.  Care should be taken as warm weather is also a time for spiders to be active. In the South and Midwest, brown recluse and black widow spiders are theContinue Reading

Job Site Safety: Drink Up to Combat Dehydration

Job site safety isn’t all about power cords and ladders. The heat can take its toll. Now is the time to prepare for Spring and Summer weather. Believe it or not, something as simple as sharing a drink—of water, that is—may mean the difference between productivity and injury. Dehydration taxes mental and physical health. InvestContinue Reading

Workers’ Compensation: Making Sense of It All

Many people are familiar with the term Workers’ Compensation but few can truly make sense of it all.  Workers’ Compensation is a state-regulated insurance program that pays medical bills and replaces certain lost wages for employees who are injured on the job.  Texas stands alone in allowing employers to forego Workers’ Compensation Insurance, resulting in more thanContinue Reading

What Don’t You Do?

A recent survey by Public Opinion Strategies found that small businesses across a wide range of industries and sectors, depend on a variety of business services.  Of the small business owners surveyed, more than 65% of the companies utilize payroll and insurance broker services.   More than 35% of respondents indicated the company uses human resourceContinue Reading

Why Every Company No Matter the Size Needs OSHA Training

When most people head off to work in the morning, the last thing they’re probably thinking about is whether the job they’re walking into is going to cause them injury or even death. However, the United States Department of Labor reports the following in its Job Safety and Health fact sheet: “Each year, approximately 6,000Continue Reading

5 Ways to Prevent the Pitfalls of Improper Risk Management

As a small business owner, you may think that risk management is something only “larger” companies need to worry about. The truth is, potential risks can have an impact on any sized company if not properly managed. Businesses can suffer detrimental effects such as financial loss, regulatory penalties and loss of growth potential. According toContinue Reading

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