Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19, Now What?

Across the country the number of people who test positive for COVID-19 has taken a sharp turn upward.  In Texas, the daily number of positive tests for COVID-19 increased from 864 on May 1, 2020, to 1,312 on June 1, and 6,991 on July 1.    This spike prompted Governor Abbott to declare  a pauseContinue Reading

Legal Immigration Further Restricted

Monday, June 22, 2020, President Trump issued a Proclamation to further restrict legal immigration.  Employers are prevented from bringing new H-1B, H-2B, L-1A, L-1B, and J-1 workers into the United States.  Effective June 24, 2020 new temporary visas will be barred through 2020 for foreign workers and their dependents. With these new rules in place,Continue Reading

Return to Work

COVID-19: Back to Business Ultimate Cheat Sheet

Businesses are gearing up to get back to …well, business.  This cheat sheet will help you consider things to keep your work environment safe, and help you develop a plan of action for return-to-work in a post-pandemic world.  Before opening your business, be sure to review federal, state, and local protocols for your industry.  CheckContinue Reading

COVID-19 Emergency Unemployment Benefits

The US Department of Labor issued Unemployment Insurance Program Letters to enhance State Unemployment provisions during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.  What does this mean for employers and the unemployed? Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) Unemployment Compensation Provisions The Federal government is working with State governments to issue grants, to provide emergency flexibilities related toContinue Reading

Building Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is a fundamental concept describing the nature of the relationship between an organization and its employees.  Studies show that engaged employees tend to be more productive, stay at the company longer, help improve customer service, and help boost the bottom line. As a consequence, unengaged employees are less invested in their work andContinue Reading

4 Ways to Retain Engaged Employees

Study after study shows only one-third of the workforce is “engaged” in their current role.  “Engaged” is defined as an employee who consistently performs at high levels.  The engaged employee brings innovation to the company and is driven to efficiency.  With a clear understanding and emotional commitment to his or her role, the engaged employeeContinue Reading

FLSA: It’s No Joke

Three blondes walk into a building. (You’d think one of them would’ve seen it – LOL!)   But seriously…the first blonde rushes to the timeclock and glances at the U.S. Department of Labor notices on the wall as she punches in.  The second blonde yawns, clutches her laptop briefcase and mumbles about working all night toContinue Reading

Terminations: More Than Reality TV

At times, most managers have been frustrated to the point of wanting to scream, “YOU’RE FIRED!”  And while that phrase made a TV reality show wildly popular, it actually isn’t reality.  Terminations are a process, not a reaction. Although Texas is an “employment at-will” state, most companies avoid firing and employee without cause.  There areContinue Reading

Form I-9: Do You Know the “Ins and Outs”?

The Form I-9 is a requirement for U.S. employers.  By not completing and retaining Form I-9 properly, employers can find themselves penalized.  Penalties for failing to produce a Form I-9 range from $110 to $1,100 per violation.  With so much at stake, do you know the “ins and outs” of the Form I-9?   Take thisContinue Reading

Harassment: It Could Cost You.

$168 million!  The largest sexual harassment lawsuit on record is a judgment against Mercy General Hospital in Sacramento, California.  We read about cases like that and think, “That’s California!  It won’t happen to me and my business.” A little closer to home… How would a ruling of $6.2 million against your company impact your business? Continue Reading

People and Diversity …Every Organization’s Greatest Investment

Whether you are a company of one or one thousand, each person you employ is your greatest investment.   Getting the highest rate of return on your “people” investment involves another investment—embracing diversity. Demographic trends identified by Pew Research Center include racial and ethnic diversity in the United States on a continuous rise.   By 2055, itContinue Reading

Start-Up Strong: PEOs Help Keep You Focused

Whether it’s a new start-up company, the start-up of a division or department, or the ramp up for a specific project, it takes a large commitment from management and operations. Enlisting the help of a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) can be the key to success. With the changing business climate, a large company made theContinue Reading

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