SHALE Magazine: Risk Management Through UniqueHR

Unfortunately, risks are inevitable within any type of workplace, and it is absolutely essential that companies maintain proper risk management practices in order to avoid catastrophic personal losses and legal penalties. Risk management involves tasks such as providing a safe work environment for employees, creating up-to-date safety protocols, as well as analyzing potential risks andContinue Reading

UniqueHR can offer your growing business peace of mind

Administrative responsibilities such as payroll, benefits, HR (human resources), risk management, and compliance can create time and financial burdens. As a result, they force an owner’s attention away from their business’s core mission and hinder potential profitability. Seeking out an experienced and reliable Professional Employer Organization (PEO) such as UniqueHR to manage these integral partsContinue Reading

SHALE Magazine: UniqueHR’s Payroll and Tax Services

Payroll and taxes are often considered by many business owners to be two of the most burdensome aspects of running a business. Not only do they require hundreds, if not thousands, of hours per year to be completed, but they also require extreme attention to detail and incredible amounts of patience in order to avoidContinue Reading

SHALE Magazine: Who is UniqueHR? Meet the Family and Veteran-Owned Leader of the PEO Industry

Family and veteran-owned and operated by Texans since 1991, UniqueHR is a licensed PEO providing comprehensive HR solutions to small and mid-size businesses. It’s headquartered in Corpus Christi and provides services to all of Texas and the U.S. UniqueHR promotes the growth of businesses by focusing on identifying and mitigating employment-related exposure resulting in reducedContinue Reading

UniqueHR featured in The Bend Business Magazine

UniqueHR is honored to have been featured in the inaugural issue of The Bend Business (TB Business) magazine. The magazine’s editors state that the “goal of TB Business is to tell engaging business, economic and leadership stories in the Coastal Bend. Specifically, TB Business will focus on the people behind organizations and businesses in CorpusContinue Reading

Inc. Magazine: PEOs Simplify the Path Forward for SMBs

Professional employer organizations played a pivotal role in helping many small businesses survive the pandemic and position themselves for what comes next. As the COVID-19 pandemic created one of the most serious business disruptions in recent memory, many small and midsize businesses (SMBs) struggled to stay afloat. An onslaught of new laws, regulations, and programsContinue Reading

PEO Clients Survive to Thrive

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a new set of challenges that all businesses have confronted over the last year and a half. The following information is the result of a short-term analysis of how PEO clients have fared from early 2020 through July 2021 across a range of different measures in the following broad categories:Continue Reading

OSHA’S National Emphasis Program Signals more COVID-19 Inspections

A recent move by the federal workplace safety watchdog agency means that you should prepare for more COVID-19-related OSHA inspections this spring and summer. On March 12, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) adopted a National Emphasis Program (NEP) on COVID-19, effective immediately, which signals the agency will devote more resources towards virus-related inspections during theContinue Reading

Disaster Resources and Important Information

Applying for Disaster Assistance U.S. Small Business Administration: Steps to Apply for Disaster Assistance Before you apply for assistance, below are the steps you need to take to start your recovery process: Step One:      Take photos of your damaged home or business and belongings. Step Two:      Make a list of damaged/lostContinue Reading

Issues to Consider Before Transitioning to Permanent Remote Workforce

The COVID-19 pandemic may have permanently changed the future of work. From banking to insurance and the legal industry, employers have embraced remote work for employees. Before March 2020, many companies allowed only a select few people to work remotely—typically exempt employees who travel. Now, they’re permitting more employees to work from home. Some businessesContinue Reading

OSHA compliance

Employers, It’s Time To Post And Electronically File Your Workplace Safety Records

For employers required to maintain work-related injury and illness records: it’s that time of year again. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires covered employers (establishments with 10 or more employees, except for certain “low-risk” industries) to prepare and post the OSHA Form 300A, Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, at their establishments from February 1Continue Reading

Appropriations Bill Extends Supplemental Unemployment Benefits

The massive appropriations and COVID-19 relief legislation that President Donald Trump signed December 27, 2020, includes provisions that extend various supplemental employment benefits until March or April, depending on the program. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, includes the Continued Assistance Act, which continues much of the relief originally provided in last year’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief,Continue Reading

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