CARES Act Stimulus

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act which was passed by the Senate late Thursday night, March 26, 2020,  is aimed at providing a massive stimulus to workplaces and employees.  The House approved the CARES Act Friday noon, and President Trump should sign it into law soon.  The CARES Act would provide federalContinue Reading

4 Ways to Retain Engaged Employees

Study after study shows only one-third of the workforce is “engaged” in their current role.  “Engaged” is defined as an employee who consistently performs at high levels.  The engaged employee brings innovation to the company and is driven to efficiency.  With a clear understanding and emotional commitment to his or her role, the engaged employeeContinue Reading

FLSA: It’s No Joke

Three blondes walk into a building. (You’d think one of them would’ve seen it – LOL!)   But seriously…the first blonde rushes to the timeclock and glances at the U.S. Department of Labor notices on the wall as she punches in.  The second blonde yawns, clutches her laptop briefcase and mumbles about working all night toContinue Reading

Expertise Where It Counts

Expertise is defined by Webster’s as “a high level of knowledge or skill”.  Many businesses simply can’t afford to hire experts on staff.  For this reason, it has become commonplace for companies to contract with outside accountants and attorneys.  Ever-changing laws and regulations make having an accountant and attorney a must for any business. WhatContinue Reading

2018 Small Business Plan

2018: A Small Business Plan for Success

This time of year, business owners are wrapping up 2017 and looking ahead to 2018. A recap of 2017 shows you not only what happened, but what you did to make it happen.   As you look to your strategic plans for 2018, ask yourself these four questions: What happened in 2017 that was NOT a resultContinue Reading

2018 ACA Changes: Are You Affected?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has certain changes to some requirements that take effect in 2018. As an employer it is important for you to know how you are defined by ACA to determine if the changes affect you. Is Your Plan Grandfathered? Grandfathered plans are those in existence before ACA was enacted March 23,Continue Reading

PEO: More Than Just a Paycheck

When you think of PEO services what is the first thing that comes to mind?  Most managers would answer, “Payroll”.  But Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) perform many Human Resource functions that can drain the resources of small to medium-sized businesses.  One such service is administering verifications. Verification of employment and wages are made to lendersContinue Reading

Would You Do Business with You?

Think about it.  Would you do business with you?  Look at it from your customers’ perspective.  What are the reasons your customers select you?  Is it because you are a local business? Is it because you’ve contracted Telus customer service for customer support? Is it because you’ve been producing quality metrics continuously? Because you stayContinue Reading

Workers’ Compensation: Making Sense of It All

Many people are familiar with the term Workers’ Compensation but few can truly make sense of it all.  Workers’ Compensation is a state-regulated insurance program that pays medical bills and replaces certain lost wages for employees who are injured on the job.  Texas stands alone in allowing employers to forego Workers’ Compensation Insurance, resulting in more thanContinue Reading

2017: What’s In Store for Business?

UniqueHR owner, Garry Bradford is like most American business owners trying to gauge what is in store for 2017, with a new President, new Administration, and new Congress.  Having met recently with investment bankers, bank presidents, business owners, and U.S. and State Legislators, Mr. Bradford describes the overall mood among the group as “optimistically conservative.”Continue Reading

What Don’t You Do?

A recent survey by Public Opinion Strategies found that small businesses across a wide range of industries and sectors, depend on a variety of business services.  Of the small business owners surveyed, more than 65% of the companies utilize payroll and insurance broker services.   More than 35% of respondents indicated the company uses human resourceContinue Reading

13 Questions You Should Ask to Find an Honest HR Outsourcing Company

As the vast body of labor regulations continues to grow and ratchet ever tighter, companies must keep abreast of and comply with hundreds of new workplace requirements each year. This means hiring bigger HR departments, contracting with more outside experts, or both. To staunch administrative outflows and cut through the complexity, many businesses are lookingContinue Reading

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