Buffering Bias Means Better Hires

If something you couldn’t see was keeping your business from growing, wouldn’t you want to do something about it? What if it meant admitting something about yourself you wouldn’t be so proud of, such as the idea that when it comes to hiring, you tend for no reason at all to dismiss some people outContinue Reading

Keep Your Stars From Leaving? Treat Them ‘Unequally’

Discrimination is a dirty word — workplace discrimination doubly so. But if you don’t want your star workers leaving, a bit of favoritism goes a long way, according to William Tincup, CEO of Tincup & Co, an HR consultancy. We interviewed the popular, often-brash Mr. Tincup following a talk he gave at the Disrupt HRContinue Reading

How ‘Cool’ Perks Land Business Owners in Hot Water

A happy worker is a productive worker, common sense says, but despite some studies that claim to reveal this correlation, over 70 years of research has not yet proved the axiom true. Little wonder: It’s a tough thing to measure. These are subjective concepts, after all. What it means for an employee to be “happy” andContinue Reading

How Your State’s Out-of-Control Labor Laws Could Take Your HR Department Away

Small businesses may never return to the times before out-of-control labor laws took their HR departments away, but that doesn’t mean they have no choice but to give up control. Not long ago, a California builder went to work on a few new homes. He was a typical small business owner, an artisan, subcontracted forContinue Reading

Comparing 3 HR Strategies: What’s Right for Your Business?

When it comes to building a human resources department, small businesses have three basic choices: 1) hire HR staff, 2) outsource or 3) some combination of the two. Most companies use a combination. Even the most well funded big corporations will often use vendors for some HR services — such as a 401k, health insuranceContinue Reading

13 Questions You Should Ask to Find an Honest HR Outsourcing Company

As the vast body of labor regulations continues to grow and ratchet ever tighter, companies must keep abreast of and comply with hundreds of new workplace requirements each year. This means hiring bigger HR departments, contracting with more outside experts, or both. To staunch administrative outflows and cut through the complexity, many businesses are lookingContinue Reading

The Ugly Truth: Drug & Background Screening Won’t Tell All

The decision to screen job candidates for criminal backgrounds and drug use is often a hard one for businesses to make. Finding the right balance between protecting themselves from liability while still attracting the best job applicants can be tough. But with the right policies and application process, screenings can help a business without hurtingContinue Reading

California Chamber: 2016 Labor Law Changes

California businesses take notice: New state laws will soon affect minimum wage, leave, wage equality, reasonable accommodation and motor carrier requirements. Affected businesses need to stay ahead of the changes or face the consequences. Labor Law Changes Minimum Wage Legislation passed in 2013 raised California’s minimum wage would be increased to $10 per hour, effective January 1, 2016.Continue Reading

Form 5500 Filing Needs, Tips & FAQ

Companies with defined contribution or insurance benefit plans have many compliance issues, including the need to report the details of their benefits programs to government agencies. To satisfy the requirements of the IRS and Department of Labor (DOL), businesses must complete and submit Form 5500 during each plan year. Form 5500 FAQ Companies with definedContinue Reading

Avoid the Cadillac Tax by Adopting Voluntary Benefits

One part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that has business owners shifting toward offering more voluntary benefits is the Cadillac Tax. Due to go into effect in 2018, this 40 percent levy on “high cost” health care plans was created to offset the costs of the ACA. Exposure to the tax is based onContinue Reading

10 Strangely Useful Workplace Wellness Technologies

Thanks to changes in workplace law and economic pressures raising health care costs, employers are now leveraging the workplace to improve employee health more than ever before. Today’s workplace wellness programs offer more than just fruit in the vending machines; they take direct aim at employee’s blood pressure, cholesterol, body-mass index and smoking habits. 10Continue Reading

Strategies to Improve Your Business Through Exit Interviews

Managing employee turnover isn’t the most glamorous part of running a company. Preparing to open up a vacancy can be just as taxing as filling one. Having a strategy to conduct exit interviews can ensure a smooth and amicable transition for both company and employee. And it might just glean the kind of honest feedback thatContinue Reading

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