Workplace Bullying

As a kid on the playground, it was easy to spot a bully.  He or she was the one stealing lunch money, pushing others down in the sandbox, or the ringleader of the group pointing and laughing at the little guy with glasses.  How easy is it to spot a bully in the workplace? ResearchContinue Reading

8 Resume Red Flags: What to Look For…

Resumes are tricky—whether you are writing them, or reading them.  As a hiring manager, it is imperative that you weed through resumes to find ideal candidates.  And frankly, what a resume doesn’t say can be just as important as what it does say.   Here are eight resume red flags to look out for according toContinue Reading

Perfect Attendance

Were you the kid in school with perfect attendance?  I envied them.  Those kids were rare, only one or two in each class.  They got accolades and a nice certificate signed by the principal, just for showing up!  There was one girl in my elementary school that did not miss one day from First GradeContinue Reading

Texas Weather: Your Inclement Weather Policy

Growing up in Texas, you often hear, “If you don’t like the weather, wait a few minutes. It will change.”  Inclement Weather from hurricanes along the Gulf Coast, to tornadoes across the Central Plains, to fires in the Hill Country, flooding, ice, and snow, Texas has it all.  Being prepared isn’t just about bottled waterContinue Reading

Human Resources: Handling Lay-Offs

As Human Resources professionals, you are involved in the lives of the employees.  Your job can at times feel like you are basking in sunshine and flowers.  Many times, you are the first person to say, “Welcome to the company”, “Congratulations on your promotion”, and “Best of luck in your retirement.”  Unfortunately, you are alsoContinue Reading

Getting It Right – A Guide to Human Resources

It’s February, and in the world of human resources, payroll, and taxes, it’s time to take a breath.  W2s are mailed (and possibly online), forms are filed, and fees are paid. If your company is structured with HR and payroll functions in-house, you’ve seen the burning of the midnight oil.   For some small businesses, havingContinue Reading

2017: What’s In Store for Business?

UniqueHR owner, Garry Bradford is like most American business owners trying to gauge what is in store for 2017, with a new President, new Administration, and new Congress.  Having met recently with investment bankers, bank presidents, business owners, and U.S. and State Legislators, Mr. Bradford describes the overall mood among the group as “optimistically conservative.”Continue Reading

The Aye Yai Yai of Form I-9

The Employment Eligibility Verification of the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, more commonly known as Form I-9, is a requirement for all employers to have a completed form for each employee.  That alone can have some employers saying, “Aye Yai Yai…”  Updated earlier this year, March 31, 2016, the first stepContinue Reading

What Don’t You Do?

A recent survey by Public Opinion Strategies found that small businesses across a wide range of industries and sectors, depend on a variety of business services.  Of the small business owners surveyed, more than 65% of the companies utilize payroll and insurance broker services.   More than 35% of respondents indicated the company uses human resourceContinue Reading

It All Comes Full Circle

Remember the days of the family doctor making a house call?  Neither do I. My experience with doctors has been making an appointment, sometimes weeks in advance. Taking off work at the most inopportune time. Fighting traffic to drive across town. Looking for a parking place. Still looking for a parking place… Wandering around aContinue Reading

Are You Ready for Anything?

Open enrollment is a time to review and make changes.  A time to make sure you and your employees are ready for anything.  As an employer, you have selected the best providers and now your employees have an opportunity to select from among medical, dental, vision, and other protection products to make sure they andContinue Reading

Human Resource Professionals “Highlight the Best of Texas”

In an official proclamation, Texas Governor Greg Abbott recognized Human Resource professionals, declaring October 2016 Human Resource Awareness Month. The Governor commended human resource professionals for their wide range of services, “recruiting new talent, ensuring compliance with labor laws, educating Texans about health and safety, providing ethics training and more”. Governor Abbott went on toContinue Reading

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