Form I-9: Do You Know the “Ins and Outs”?

The Form I-9 is a requirement for U.S. employers.  By not completing and retaining Form I-9 properly, employers can find themselves penalized.  Penalties for failing to produce a Form I-9 range from $110 to $1,100 per violation.  With so much at stake, do you know the “ins and outs” of the Form I-9?   Take thisContinue Reading

Harassment: It Could Cost You.

$168 million!  The largest sexual harassment lawsuit on record is a judgment against Mercy General Hospital in Sacramento, California.  We read about cases like that and think, “That’s California!  It won’t happen to me and my business.” A little closer to home… How would a ruling of $6.2 million against your company impact your business? Continue Reading

People and Diversity …Every Organization’s Greatest Investment

Whether you are a company of one or one thousand, each person you employ is your greatest investment.   Getting the highest rate of return on your “people” investment involves another investment—embracing diversity. Demographic trends identified by Pew Research Center include racial and ethnic diversity in the United States on a continuous rise.   By 2055, itContinue Reading

Start-Up Strong: PEOs Help Keep You Focused

Whether it’s a new start-up company, the start-up of a division or department, or the ramp up for a specific project, it takes a large commitment from management and operations. Enlisting the help of a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) can be the key to success. With the changing business climate, a large company made theContinue Reading

5 Steps to Succession Planning

Succession planning is a common topic in a family-owned business, like UniqueHR.  It has been a long-term plan for Chris Bradford to carry on the business after his parents retire.  Although Chris has worked in the business since high school, careful planning will ensure a smooth transition to the next generation.  Chris’ son, Nick hasContinue Reading


Millennials: 6 Tips to Communicating Employee Benefits

It seems like we’ve been talking or hearing about Millennials for most of my career.  Millennials are now in their 20’s and 30’s.  It is estimated they will comprise 30% of the workforce by 2020, and many are entering management roles. Once characteristic touted as “millennial” is they perceive themselves invincible, although that has alwaysContinue Reading

Employer Liability for Work Eligibility Documentation

By Deanna Forbush For the last 30 years or so, the federal government has primarily enforced its immigration policies and laws by forcing employers, under the threat of criminal prosecution or exorbitant, business-crushing fines, to ensure that they hire only applicants with acceptable documentation of their eligibility for employment. The failure to properly complete and maintain I-9Continue Reading

Workplace Bullying

As a kid on the playground, it was easy to spot a bully.  He or she was the one stealing lunch money, pushing others down in the sandbox, or the ringleader of the group pointing and laughing at the little guy with glasses.  How easy is it to spot a bully in the workplace? ResearchContinue Reading

Perfect Attendance

Were you the kid in school with perfect attendance?  I envied them.  Those kids were rare, only one or two in each class.  They got accolades and a nice certificate signed by the principal, just for showing up!  There was one girl in my elementary school that did not miss one day from First GradeContinue Reading

Texas Weather: Your Inclement Weather Policy

Growing up in Texas, you often hear, “If you don’t like the weather, wait a few minutes. It will change.”  Inclement Weather from hurricanes along the Gulf Coast, to tornadoes across the Central Plains, to fires in the Hill Country, flooding, ice, and snow, Texas has it all.  Being prepared isn’t just about bottled waterContinue Reading

Human Resources: Handling Lay-Offs

As Human Resources professionals, you are involved in the lives of the employees.  Your job can at times feel like you are basking in sunshine and flowers.  Many times, you are the first person to say, “Welcome to the company”, “Congratulations on your promotion”, and “Best of luck in your retirement.”  Unfortunately, you are alsoContinue Reading

Workers’ Compensation: Making Sense of It All

Many people are familiar with the term Workers’ Compensation but few can truly make sense of it all.  Workers’ Compensation is a state-regulated insurance program that pays medical bills and replaces certain lost wages for employees who are injured on the job.  Texas stands alone in allowing employers to forego Workers’ Compensation Insurance, resulting in more thanContinue Reading

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