Issues to Consider Before Transitioning to Permanent Remote Workforce

The COVID-19 pandemic may have permanently changed the future of work. From banking to insurance and the legal industry, employers have embraced remote work for employees. Before March 2020, many companies allowed only a select few people to work remotely—typically exempt employees who travel. Now, they’re permitting more employees to work from home. Some businessesContinue Reading

2021 Workplace Trends

We all have high hopes for 2021 after reeling through the quagmire of 2020.  How will 2020 shape the workplace of 2021? Here are some top trends from the experts at Glassdoor, LinkedIn, and Benchmark One. Changing workplace One thing the experts agree on is that in the post-COVID-19 world, the workplace will never beContinue Reading

Can You Fire an Employee for Facebook Posts?

Two things are eminently clear as the 2020 election season ramps up: (1) Everyone has an opinion, and (2) they aren’t shy about sharing it. So, what’s an employer to do when an employee likes or shares an inflammatory article on Facebook or uses his 280 characters on Twitter to start a battle with aContinue Reading

3 Benefits You’ll Need to Offer Post-Pandemic

By Emily Muhoberac, COO, Sapper Consulting Have you reevaluated your employee benefits package since social distancing was implemented? It’s likely that your pre-pandemic perks, plans, and promises won’t hold up after COVID-19 passes. You’ll need new, creative benefits to retain talented employees and snag new superstars. How your company reacts and realigns during this crisisContinue Reading

Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19, Now What?

Across the country the number of people who test positive for COVID-19 has taken a sharp turn upward.  In Texas, the daily number of positive tests for COVID-19 increased from 864 on May 1, 2020, to 1,312 on June 1, and 6,991 on July 1.    This spike prompted Governor Abbott to declare  a pauseContinue Reading

Legal Immigration Further Restricted

Monday, June 22, 2020, President Trump issued a Proclamation to further restrict legal immigration.  Employers are prevented from bringing new H-1B, H-2B, L-1A, L-1B, and J-1 workers into the United States.  Effective June 24, 2020 new temporary visas will be barred through 2020 for foreign workers and their dependents. With these new rules in place,Continue Reading

Return to Work

COVID-19: Back to Business Ultimate Cheat Sheet

Businesses are gearing up to get back to …well, business.  This cheat sheet will help you consider things to keep your work environment safe, and help you develop a plan of action for return-to-work in a post-pandemic world.  Before opening your business, be sure to review federal, state, and local protocols for your industry.  CheckContinue Reading

COVID-19 Emergency Unemployment Benefits

The US Department of Labor issued Unemployment Insurance Program Letters to enhance State Unemployment provisions during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.  What does this mean for employers and the unemployed? Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) Unemployment Compensation Provisions The Federal government is working with State governments to issue grants, to provide emergency flexibilities related toContinue Reading

Building Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is a fundamental concept describing the nature of the relationship between an organization and its employees.  Studies show that engaged employees tend to be more productive, stay at the company longer, help improve customer service, and help boost the bottom line. As a consequence, unengaged employees are less invested in their work andContinue Reading

4 Ways to Retain Engaged Employees

Study after study shows only one-third of the workforce is “engaged” in their current role.  “Engaged” is defined as an employee who consistently performs at high levels.  The engaged employee brings innovation to the company and is driven to efficiency.  With a clear understanding and emotional commitment to his or her role, the engaged employeeContinue Reading

FLSA: It’s No Joke

Three blondes walk into a building. (You’d think one of them would’ve seen it – LOL!)   But seriously…the first blonde rushes to the timeclock and glances at the U.S. Department of Labor notices on the wall as she punches in.  The second blonde yawns, clutches her laptop briefcase and mumbles about working all night toContinue Reading

Terminations: More Than Reality TV

At times, most managers have been frustrated to the point of wanting to scream, “YOU’RE FIRED!”  And while that phrase made a TV reality show wildly popular, it actually isn’t reality.  Terminations are a process, not a reaction. Although Texas is an “employment at-will” state, most companies avoid firing and employee without cause.  There areContinue Reading

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