Hurricane Preparedness: What’s the plan at work?

With hurricane season upon us, it’s essential to prepare by stocking up on supplies, determining potential risks, checking insurance, and developing an evacuation plan.  Being prepared also applies to the workplace, as employers are responsible for providing an evacuation plan that ensures workers can get to safety if a hurricane affects the area.  According toContinue Reading

Summer help and child labor laws

The summer months are here, and teenagers are looking for ways to earn extra money and experience during their vacations. Meanwhile, some businesses are looking to fill possible labor shortages they might have. It’s a good time for both sides. Still, when hiring minors for part-time or entry-level positions, it’s important to understand child laborContinue Reading

UniqueHR comprehensive HR solutions and services

VIDEO: UniqueHR – Why choose us?

Why choose our services? UniqueHR offers comprehensive HR solutions that can offer your business peace of mind. We provide our clients the same feeling of family and trust that our employees feel around the workplace. You get an experienced, personable staff committed to client relations. Watch and see why we believe you should choose us.

UHR Heat-related Illness

Heat-related Illness and the workplace

The summer heat is out in full swing, and for many laborers, that means working in hot indoor and outdoor environments for a long time.  Being exposed to such conditions can heat-related illnesses that can cause physical harm and even death.  These risks are not for the employee alone. Employers must be wary of theseContinue Reading

UniqueHR PEO service employee retention

How a PEO can help employee retention

One of the biggest challenges for many small to mid-sized businesses is being able to retain top talent. Employee turnover is time-consuming and costly, but UniqueHR’s PEO services can help with retention and reduce some of those costs. THE COST Turnover rate varies by industry, but the US average comes in at 18%, with aContinue Reading

With UniqueHR, filing taxes doesn’t have to be a burden

The IRS tax filing deadline is upon us again. Filing with the necessary thoroughness and meticulous care can be challenging for business owners. Still, it does not have to be with the help of UniqueHR’s PEO services. Handling payroll and payroll taxes are one of the primary services UniqueHR offers. We can take the stress of siftingContinue Reading

SHALE Magazine: Risk Management Through UniqueHR

Unfortunately, risks are inevitable within any type of workplace, and it is absolutely essential that companies maintain proper risk management practices in order to avoid catastrophic personal losses and legal penalties. Risk management involves tasks such as providing a safe work environment for employees, creating up-to-date safety protocols, as well as analyzing potential risks andContinue Reading

UniqueHR can offer your growing business peace of mind

Administrative responsibilities such as payroll, benefits, HR (human resources), risk management, and compliance can create time and financial burdens. As a result, they force an owner’s attention away from their business’s core mission and hinder potential profitability. Seeking out an experienced and reliable Professional Employer Organization (PEO) such as UniqueHR to manage these integral partsContinue Reading

Issues to Consider Before Transitioning to Permanent Remote Workforce

The COVID-19 pandemic may have permanently changed the future of work. From banking to insurance and the legal industry, employers have embraced remote work for employees. Before March 2020, many companies allowed only a select few people to work remotely—typically exempt employees who travel. Now, they’re permitting more employees to work from home. Some businessesContinue Reading

2021 Workplace Trends

We all have high hopes for 2021 after reeling through the quagmire of 2020.  How will 2020 shape the workplace of 2021? Here are some top trends from the experts at Glassdoor, LinkedIn, and Benchmark One. Changing workplace One thing the experts agree on is that in the post-COVID-19 world, the workplace will never beContinue Reading

Can You Fire an Employee for Facebook Posts?

Two things are eminently clear as the 2020 election season ramps up: (1) Everyone has an opinion, and (2) they aren’t shy about sharing it. So, what’s an employer to do when an employee likes or shares an inflammatory article on Facebook or uses his 280 characters on Twitter to start a battle with aContinue Reading

3 Benefits You’ll Need to Offer Post-Pandemic

By Emily Muhoberac, COO, Sapper Consulting Have you reevaluated your employee benefits package since social distancing was implemented? It’s likely that your pre-pandemic perks, plans, and promises won’t hold up after COVID-19 passes. You’ll need new, creative benefits to retain talented employees and snag new superstars. How your company reacts and realigns during this crisisContinue Reading

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