Tag Archives: risk management
UniqueHR can offer your growing business peace of mind

Administrative responsibilities such as payroll, benefits, HR (human resources), risk management, and compliance can create time and financial burdens. As a result, they force an owner’s attention away from their business’s core mission and hinder potential profitability. Seeking out an experienced and reliable Professional Employer Organization (PEO) such as UniqueHR to manage these integral partsContinue Reading
OSHA’S National Emphasis Program Signals more COVID-19 Inspections

A recent move by the federal workplace safety watchdog agency means that you should prepare for more COVID-19-related OSHA inspections this spring and summer. On March 12, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) adopted a National Emphasis Program (NEP) on COVID-19, effective immediately, which signals the agency will devote more resources towards virus-related inspections during theContinue Reading
Disaster Resources and Important Information

Applying for Disaster Assistance U.S. Small Business Administration: Steps to Apply for Disaster Assistance Before you apply for assistance, below are the steps you need to take to start your recovery process: Step One: Take photos of your damaged home or business and belongings. Step Two: Make a list of damaged/lostContinue Reading
Employers, It’s Time To Post And Electronically File Your Workplace Safety Records

For employers required to maintain work-related injury and illness records: it’s that time of year again. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires covered employers (establishments with 10 or more employees, except for certain “low-risk” industries) to prepare and post the OSHA Form 300A, Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, at their establishments from February 1Continue Reading
Cybercriminals Find Ways to Pry, Pounce on Your COVID-19 Planning Efforts

As COVID-19 spreads around the globe, cybersecurity and data privacy risks are expanding for employers. Read on to learn some simple steps you can take to address and mitigate the dangers. 2 Key Areas of Opportunity for Cyberthieves Cybercriminals are taking advantage of the pandemic in two ways: First, they’re launching phishing campaigns to lureContinue Reading
Red Alert

By Steve Sanders Any event like the COVID-19 pandemic is accompanied by increased risk of cybersecurity threats. Unfortunately, cyber criminals are adept at taking advantage of the increasing vulnerabilities stemming from remote work environments. During this time, it is critical that you and your institution’s employees exercise caution and remain nimble in your cyber defensesContinue Reading
Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19, Now What?

Across the country the number of people who test positive for COVID-19 has taken a sharp turn upward. In Texas, the daily number of positive tests for COVID-19 increased from 864 on May 1, 2020, to 1,312 on June 1, and 6,991 on July 1. This spike prompted Governor Abbott to declare a pauseContinue Reading
Reopen Texas: Phase III – PAUSED

September 17, 2020, Governor Abbott announces expanded capacity for certain businesses Governor Abbott expanded capacity limits to 75% specifically for: restaurants retail stores offices gyms The Governor specifically prohibited bars from reopening. June 26, 2020, Governor Abbott takes Executive Action to limit spread of COVID-19 Governor Abbott is limiting certain businesses in an effort toContinue Reading
PPP Loan Forgiveness: UPDATES

UPDATE: July 1, 2020: U.S. Congress extends PPP Application Deadline to August 8. The PPP application deadline has been extended from June 30, 2020 to August 8, 2020. The President is expected to sign the bill later today. No other details or aspects of the PPP have been changed. U.S. Congress: House Passes Legislation toContinue Reading
COVID-19: Back to Business Ultimate Cheat Sheet

Businesses are gearing up to get back to …well, business. This cheat sheet will help you consider things to keep your work environment safe, and help you develop a plan of action for return-to-work in a post-pandemic world. Before opening your business, be sure to review federal, state, and local protocols for your industry. CheckContinue Reading
Update: PPP Borrowers , CARES Act Tax Deferrals

UPDATE: Congress passed legislation for additional funding for small businesses. Approximately $310 billion more for the Paycheck Protection Program with no changes to eligibility requirements. $10 billion for Economy Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Advance Grants and $50 billion additional authorization for EIDL loans $75 billion for hospitals and healthcare providers’ COVID-19 expenses and losses $25Continue Reading
Coronavirus COVID-19: Small Business Administration Loans

Information below is courtesy of the Small Business Administration. For more detailed information visit the SBA website. Small business owners in all U.S. states and territories are currently eligible to apply for a low-interest loan due to Coronavirus (COVID-19). Click here to apply. Find more information on the SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans at: SBA.gov/Disaster. The SBA willContinue Reading