PPP Loan Forgiveness: UPDATES

UPDATE: July 1, 2020:  U.S. Congress extends PPP Application Deadline to August 8. The PPP application deadline has been extended from June 30, 2020 to August 8, 2020.  The President is expected to sign the bill later today.  No other details or aspects of the PPP have been changed. U.S. Congress: House Passes Legislation toContinue Reading

COVID-19 Emergency Unemployment Benefits

The US Department of Labor issued Unemployment Insurance Program Letters to enhance State Unemployment provisions during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.  What does this mean for employers and the unemployed? Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) Unemployment Compensation Provisions The Federal government is working with State governments to issue grants, to provide emergency flexibilities related toContinue Reading

Update: PPP Borrowers , CARES Act Tax Deferrals

UPDATE: Congress passed legislation for additional funding for small businesses. Approximately $310 billion more for the Paycheck Protection Program with no changes to eligibility requirements. $10 billion for Economy Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Advance Grants and $50 billion additional authorization for EIDL loans $75 billion for hospitals and healthcare providers’ COVID-19 expenses and losses $25Continue Reading

Help to Keep Business Financially Sound

During this time of uncertainty, UniqueHR is here to help.  Companies are working hard to retain their employees, while still keeping their businesses financially sound. If this applies to you then I suggest you click here now. You’ll find just the help you need there. It is also important to understand that the government recentlyContinue Reading

Cornonavirus-COVID-19, Response Act

It is UniqueHR’s goal to keep our clients updated and at the front lines of any regulatory and policy changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  On March 18, 2020, the Senate passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act which was signed by the president that same evening.  The Act is an economic stimulus plan aimedContinue Reading

Expertise Where It Counts

Expertise is defined by Webster’s as “a high level of knowledge or skill”.  Many businesses simply can’t afford to hire experts on staff.  For this reason, it has become commonplace for companies to contract with outside accountants and attorneys.  Ever-changing laws and regulations make having an accountant and attorney a must for any business. WhatContinue Reading

Form I-9: Do You Know the “Ins and Outs”?

The Form I-9 is a requirement for U.S. employers.  By not completing and retaining Form I-9 properly, employers can find themselves penalized.  Penalties for failing to produce a Form I-9 range from $110 to $1,100 per violation.  With so much at stake, do you know the “ins and outs” of the Form I-9?   Take thisContinue Reading

Employer Liability for Work Eligibility Documentation

By Deanna Forbush For the last 30 years or so, the federal government has primarily enforced its immigration policies and laws by forcing employers, under the threat of criminal prosecution or exorbitant, business-crushing fines, to ensure that they hire only applicants with acceptable documentation of their eligibility for employment. The failure to properly complete and maintain I-9Continue Reading

New Year, New Taxes

Taxes are typically on our minds as we head into a new year.  April 15th always seems to come sooner than we expect.  This year, 2018 will prove to be no exception as we close out 2017 and turn our attention to what lies ahead in the new tax code.  On December 20th Congress passedContinue Reading

Safety Update: New OSHA Final Rule

OSHA’s new final rule brings safety standards up to date after more than 40 years.  The final rule reduces U.S. workers’ exposure to respirable crystalline silica, and requires engineering controls such as water or ventilation, or respirators when engineering controls are not adequate.  This is an effort to curb diseases such as lung cancer, kidneyContinue Reading

Liability Looms Large Over California Startup Companies

California has birthed many great success stories: the Gold Rush, Hollywood and Silicon Valley, for starters. For centuries people have moved to the West Coast seeking unconventional opportunities and fast fortunes. Those who hope to get rich quick using more conventional means may have a hard lesson to learn. Brick-and-mortar startups don’t become profitable overnightContinue Reading

4 Ways to Get the Most From Your Small Business Tax Deduction

With so many big companies evading the U.S. treasury by taking advantage of tax shelters and payment loopholes, small businesses, too, want to shave a few percentage points off their business tax rates. But those who can’t afford to pull the “double Irish” or hire a team of tax attorneys to fully exploit the system’sContinue Reading

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