SHALE Magazine: Who is UniqueHR? Meet the Family and Veteran-Owned Leader of the PEO Industry

Family and veteran-owned and operated by Texans since 1991, UniqueHR is a licensed PEO providing comprehensive HR solutions to small and mid-size businesses. It’s headquartered in Corpus Christi and provides services to all of Texas and the U.S. UniqueHR promotes the growth of businesses by focusing on identifying and mitigating employment-related exposure resulting in reducedContinue Reading

Inc. Magazine: PEOs Simplify the Path Forward for SMBs

Professional employer organizations played a pivotal role in helping many small businesses survive the pandemic and position themselves for what comes next. As the COVID-19 pandemic created one of the most serious business disruptions in recent memory, many small and midsize businesses (SMBs) struggled to stay afloat. An onslaught of new laws, regulations, and programsContinue Reading

Appropriations Bill Extends Supplemental Unemployment Benefits

The massive appropriations and COVID-19 relief legislation that President Donald Trump signed December 27, 2020, includes provisions that extend various supplemental employment benefits until March or April, depending on the program. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, includes the Continued Assistance Act, which continues much of the relief originally provided in last year’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief,Continue Reading

Appropriations Law Includes New Health Benefits Requirements

By David Slaughter, JD The massive appropriations and COVID-19 relief legislation that President Trump signed December 27, 2020, includes a number of provisions affecting employers’ health benefit programs. These include arbitration procedures for “surprise billing” situations, a new layer of transparency requirements, added flexibility for flexible spending accounts (FSAs), and disclosure rules regarding mental healthContinue Reading

COVID-19 Collides with Flu Season. Now what?!!

While many workplaces are settling into a COVID-19 groove of social distancing, face masks, and hand sanitizer, we find ourselves on the cusp of flu season in the United States. Employers should start preparing now for what could be a difficult workplace winter. Common Flu Peaks Between December and February Although flu season is hardContinue Reading

Unprecedented Workplace Challenges of 2020 Spill into New Year

by Jennifer Sims If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it 2,020 times: “That’s 2020 for you!” The past year has certainly taught us to expect the unexpected. After all, when is the last time employers encountered a nationwide pandemic, mass economic shutdowns, and a hotly contested presidential election, much less all in the sameContinue Reading

Vacation and Holiday Checklist

The more questions to which you answer “yes,” the more complete your policy is regarding vacations and holidays. General Do you have a policy: Regarding vacation days? Regarding holidays? Are these policies in writing? Do you have a system for tracking when vacation days and holidays are used? Do you use a computer system forContinue Reading

Can You Fire an Employee for Facebook Posts?

Two things are eminently clear as the 2020 election season ramps up: (1) Everyone has an opinion, and (2) they aren’t shy about sharing it. So, what’s an employer to do when an employee likes or shares an inflammatory article on Facebook or uses his 280 characters on Twitter to start a battle with aContinue Reading

Texas Workforce Commission Nov 1 Changes

European countries like France and Germany are reinstating lockdowns amidst the second wave of Coronavirus.  Here in the United States, Texas continues on the path to reopen its economy.  One of the latest measures comes from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) reinstating the state work search requirements effective November 1, 2020. Work search is aContinue Reading

Checklist for Benefits Communications

Most companies are receiving employee benefit renewals.  In order to avoid benefits communication errors, it is wise to periodically review communications that employees have received in the past to gauge their perception and understanding.  Ask yourself the following questions: Were these communications meant only to fulfill ERISA compliance regulations, and do they comply with currentContinue Reading

3 Benefits You’ll Need to Offer Post-Pandemic

By Emily Muhoberac, COO, Sapper Consulting Have you reevaluated your employee benefits package since social distancing was implemented? It’s likely that your pre-pandemic perks, plans, and promises won’t hold up after COVID-19 passes. You’ll need new, creative benefits to retain talented employees and snag new superstars. How your company reacts and realigns during this crisisContinue Reading

4 Ways to Help Workers Build Emergency Savings, and How Much Is Enough?

By Amanda Utevsky, PhD As employers reevaluate employee benefits following the labor shock of 2020’s COVID-19 pandemic, they must look at ways to both shore up financial health and help reduce potential future stressors. Evidence shows that having enough savings on hand is one of the largest predictors of financial well-being, making employee financial health programs focusedContinue Reading

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