Effective Job Descriptions Keep Employees Great, Too

Crafting an effective job description is vital for hiring the right people and managing them once hired. “Effective” isn’t the same as “complex”; a written summary of a person’s job should strive to outline the essential functions, set performance goals, and provide a definition of success upon which both employer and employee can agree. WhatContinue Reading

How Continual Feedback Helps With Annual Performance Reviews

Communication is the most important part of building a strong workforce. Teams must share a vision, communicate it amongst groups, and give accurate reviews on how their members perform in pursuit of continuing goals. Just when and how such communication should take place, however, is the subject of much debate, whether performance reviews are somethingContinue Reading

Exposing the Hidden Cost of DIY Human Resources

ou didn’t go into business to become a bookkeeper, a retirement plan administrator or a monitor for a government bureau. You have a vision, but too often it’s pushed aside when the tasks of administering your business takes precedence. These things need doing, of course, but business owners must take stock of hidden costs ofContinue Reading

New Tool: Labor Burden Cost Calculator

Do you know how much your employees really cost? Cacluating your true labor burden can be a time consuming and arduous task for many small businesses. You may be surprised to find a number of hidden costs associated with every employee. Everything from unemployment claims to OSHA compliance is often missed in a business owner’s calculations, causing the estimateContinue Reading

ACA Compliance: New Regulations & Rising Costs in 2016

Most companies are still adjusting to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As the law continues to be phased in, human resources departments will likely encounter even more challenges. Familiarize Yourself with New ACA Regulations Compliance with ACA regulations is mandatory This might seem like a no-brainer but, as the Society for Human Resources Management(SHRM) pointsContinue Reading

Want to Retain Your Key Employees? Here’s How You Do It

It’s no longer enough for businesses to simply put together an amazing team. The key to success and longevity in today’s competitive business environment begins and ends with employee retention. The financial implications of a high turnover rate, where the cost of training and recruitment is lost, are high. A recent CAP study found thatContinue Reading

Employee Training Considerations to Help Businesses Thrive

Employee training and development programs contribute to a company’s success and those of its workers. They allow companies to remain capable and relevant when skills are needed, offering them an effective way of filling roles without looking to job markets. In addition, training can boost employee morale and productivity by allowing opportunities for growth andContinue Reading

Payroll Services & Company Growth at Texas Businesses

For growing small businesses, the job of payroll administration and bookkeeping grows ever more weighty as they add more customers, expand their departments, hire additional employees and create new vendor relationships. Adding to the complexity is the fact that the larger a company gets, the more rules and red tape they will subject to justContinue Reading

Are You Conducting Leadership Skills Assessments? Here’s Why You Should Be.

Businesses today are faced with a complex challenge: how to hire the right people while having the confidence that they will be able to adapt and succeed in an ever-evolving workplace. Business requires visionary leaders who can make tough decisions, empower employees and pivot quickly. To secure and develop these leaders, businesses currently invest millionsContinue Reading

How to Calculate Turnover Rate . . . and Why It Matters

About 2.7 million Americans quit their jobs in May of 2015 — nearly two percent of the workforce — up by about a quarter since 2003. “Quits,” as termed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, held steady at near 2 million month-on-month. Higher turnover isn’t necessarily a sign of a weakening economy. Employees who leaveContinue Reading

Embracing and Incorporating Workplace Flexibility

One measure of a great company that is often overlooked in the business world is the ability to create and preserve an environment of work-life balance. Sharply contrasting this ideal, many employees are being paid for 40 hours’ worth of work on a weekly basis, yet a 2014 Gallup Study found that Americans work an averageContinue Reading

What Is Unemployment Compensation?

For the American workforce, witnessing the United States unemployment rate spike sharply during the recent economic recession was anything but encouraging. The good news? After hitting a peak of ten percent in October of 2009, the national unemployment rate has decreased to 5.3 percent as June 2015. The bad news? That still leaves approximately 8.3 millionContinue Reading

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