Overtime Pay

Overtime pay has been a part of US law since 1938, yet compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act has been a consistent problem for businesses. The cost of noncompliance is growing, and disregard of overtime laws is a sure way for a business to end up in a wage & hour audit or lawsuit. Continue Reading

A Pillar of Support: UniqueHR’s Proactive Approach to Assisting Client Businesses During the Pandemic

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses found themselves dealing with extraordinary challenges that threatened their existence. Tensions were rising for business owners because they were unsure what to do or truly what was going on. The sudden and widespread nature of the crisis disrupted supply chains, leading to shortages of essential goods andContinue Reading

Hurricane Preparedness: What’s the plan at work?

With hurricane season upon us, it’s essential to prepare by stocking up on supplies, determining potential risks, checking insurance, and developing an evacuation plan.  Being prepared also applies to the workplace, as employers are responsible for providing an evacuation plan that ensures workers can get to safety if a hurricane affects the area.  According toContinue Reading

UHR Heat-related Illness

Heat-related Illness and the workplace

The summer heat is out in full swing, and for many laborers, that means working in hot indoor and outdoor environments for a long time.  Being exposed to such conditions can heat-related illnesses that can cause physical harm and even death.  These risks are not for the employee alone. Employers must be wary of theseContinue Reading

SHALE Magazine: Risk Management Through UniqueHR

Unfortunately, risks are inevitable within any type of workplace, and it is absolutely essential that companies maintain proper risk management practices in order to avoid catastrophic personal losses and legal penalties. Risk management involves tasks such as providing a safe work environment for employees, creating up-to-date safety protocols, as well as analyzing potential risks andContinue Reading

COVID-19 Collides with Flu Season. Now what?!!

While many workplaces are settling into a COVID-19 groove of social distancing, face masks, and hand sanitizer, we find ourselves on the cusp of flu season in the United States. Employers should start preparing now for what could be a difficult workplace winter. Common Flu Peaks Between December and February Although flu season is hardContinue Reading

4 Ways to Help Workers Build Emergency Savings, and How Much Is Enough?

By Amanda Utevsky, PhD As employers reevaluate employee benefits following the labor shock of 2020’s COVID-19 pandemic, they must look at ways to both shore up financial health and help reduce potential future stressors. Evidence shows that having enough savings on hand is one of the largest predictors of financial well-being, making employee financial health programs focusedContinue Reading

Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19, Now What?

Across the country the number of people who test positive for COVID-19 has taken a sharp turn upward.  In Texas, the daily number of positive tests for COVID-19 increased from 864 on May 1, 2020, to 1,312 on June 1, and 6,991 on July 1.    This spike prompted Governor Abbott to declare  a pauseContinue Reading

Return to Work

COVID-19: Back to Business Ultimate Cheat Sheet

Businesses are gearing up to get back to …well, business.  This cheat sheet will help you consider things to keep your work environment safe, and help you develop a plan of action for return-to-work in a post-pandemic world.  Before opening your business, be sure to review federal, state, and local protocols for your industry.  CheckContinue Reading

Hand with soap and water

Coronavirus-COVID-19: Emergency Plan

The health of our clients and our employees is top priority.  UniqueHR has been monitoring the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) current situation.  UniqueHR’s current emergency preparedness plan includes secure employee remote access to our office.  UniqueHR is equipped to launch our emergency plan at a moment’s notice to ensure continued service to our clients without interruptionContinue Reading

Coronavirus Update – COVID-19

UniqueHR offers employee benefits to our employees and client companies.  One of the many benefits is our relationship with Aetna.  See information below from Aetna regarding the coronavirus outbreak. What you need to know about the new coronavirus disease called COVID-19. As the international coronavirus outbreak continues to evolve, CVS Health in- house clinicians andContinue Reading


“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…”  The holidays are upon us.  The year is coming to a close.  It’s time to celebrate!  It’s time to give extra attention to the good things in life, whether big or small. Why Celebrate? Celebrations connect us to other people—to family, friends, co-workers, clients, or even strangers. Continue Reading

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