How to Create an Effective Employee Handbook

Your company’s employee handbook is its first opportunity to communicate its values, culture, rights and expectations to employees, and it needs to cover all of these loaded topics in a friendly, straightforward and accessible manner. No small task. In the event of a dispute between your company and one of its employees, the handbook mayContinue Reading

Are You Conducting Leadership Skills Assessments? Here’s Why You Should Be.

Businesses today are faced with a complex challenge: how to hire the right people while having the confidence that they will be able to adapt and succeed in an ever-evolving workplace. Business requires visionary leaders who can make tough decisions, empower employees and pivot quickly. To secure and develop these leaders, businesses currently invest millionsContinue Reading

Embracing and Incorporating Workplace Flexibility

One measure of a great company that is often overlooked in the business world is the ability to create and preserve an environment of work-life balance. Sharply contrasting this ideal, many employees are being paid for 40 hours’ worth of work on a weekly basis, yet a 2014 Gallup Study found that Americans work an averageContinue Reading

Motivating Your Top Talent: 6 Employee Engagement Ideas

According to a report by Harvard Business Review (HBR) Analytic Services on The Impact of Employee Engagement on Performance, employee engagement has become a priority for senior managers. These managers report that staff who are highly engaged are usually highly innovative and productive, which increases the the bottom line and reduces the costs associated withContinue Reading

How to Get Your Employees Back to Work Quickly After An Illness or Injury

When employees or staff are out due to illness or injury, it can severely impact your business. The loss of productivity, need to hire a temporary replacement, and workers’ compensation or disability payments can take a toll on your bottom line and disrupt projects. A return to work policy can help mitigate these effects, allowingContinue Reading

6 Ways to Avoid Costly Workplace Safety Disasters

As the leader of your business, you know that there can be many hazards in the workplace. However, if you’re like most small business owners, you’re probably not thinking about the possibility of being affected by a workplace disaster. However, the construction, manufacturing and machinery industries are at a higher risk for workplace disasters –Continue Reading

How Much Time Payroll & Payroll Tax Administration Are Really Taking You

Payroll and payroll tax administration happens to be one of the most time-consuming and annoying tasks for small businesses owners. In fact, according to the NSBA 2014 Small Business Taxation survey, payroll taxes were ranked number one for the most financially burdensome and number two for the most administratively burdensome federal tax among small firms. ThatContinue Reading

3 Reasons Why Employee Benefits are Critical to Small Business Growth

As a small business owner, you undoubtedly want to see your business grow. While it’s no secret that maximizing sales and minimizing expenses are key to growing a profitable enterprise, offering employee benefits can play a vital role in business growth. 3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Offering Employee Benefits Recruit new employees – TheContinue Reading

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