Return to Work

COVID-19: Back to Business Ultimate Cheat Sheet

Businesses are gearing up to get back to …well, business.  This cheat sheet will help you consider things to keep your work environment safe, and help you develop a plan of action for return-to-work in a post-pandemic world.  Before opening your business, be sure to review federal, state, and local protocols for your industry.  CheckContinue Reading

Top 10 Most Frequent OSHA Citations

“Top 10” lists on late-night TV shows can be fun.  But with OSHA penalties as high as $13,260 per violation and up to $132,598 per violation for willful or repeated violations, this is a “Top 10” you want to avoid. Here we go… OSHA Ten Most Frequent Citations from 2018 10.  1,536 violations:   Personal ProtectiveContinue Reading

Harassment: It Could Cost You.

$168 million!  The largest sexual harassment lawsuit on record is a judgment against Mercy General Hospital in Sacramento, California.  We read about cases like that and think, “That’s California!  It won’t happen to me and my business.” A little closer to home… How would a ruling of $6.2 million against your company impact your business? Continue Reading

People and Diversity …Every Organization’s Greatest Investment

Whether you are a company of one or one thousand, each person you employ is your greatest investment.   Getting the highest rate of return on your “people” investment involves another investment—embracing diversity. Demographic trends identified by Pew Research Center include racial and ethnic diversity in the United States on a continuous rise.   By 2055, itContinue Reading

5 Steps to Succession Planning

Succession planning is a common topic in a family-owned business, like UniqueHR.  It has been a long-term plan for Chris Bradford to carry on the business after his parents retire.  Although Chris has worked in the business since high school, careful planning will ensure a smooth transition to the next generation.  Chris’ son, Nick hasContinue Reading

Workplace Bullying

As a kid on the playground, it was easy to spot a bully.  He or she was the one stealing lunch money, pushing others down in the sandbox, or the ringleader of the group pointing and laughing at the little guy with glasses.  How easy is it to spot a bully in the workplace? ResearchContinue Reading

Workplace Diversity: Aren’t We All the Same, Only Different?

Workplace diversity has been a hot topic for decades.  Most of us have been through diversity training once or twice.  So, what’s different now?  The social climate. Interracial marriages account for 12% of U.S. marriages according to Pew Research Center, and are celebrated this year, 50 years after becoming fully legal in all U.S. states. Continue Reading

Buffering Bias Means Better Hires

If something you couldn’t see was keeping your business from growing, wouldn’t you want to do something about it? What if it meant admitting something about yourself you wouldn’t be so proud of, such as the idea that when it comes to hiring, you tend for no reason at all to dismiss some people outContinue Reading

Take Your Culture Seriously or No One Will

Karlyn Borysenko has seen a lot of hard places to work. A consultant studying for her PhD in organizational psychology, she gets asked to go in, diagnose, and tell business leaders the truths about their work cultures they don’t want to hear. Even at companies where positivity is policy, she often finds leaders’ efforts lacking.Continue Reading

Keep Your Stars From Leaving? Treat Them ‘Unequally’

Discrimination is a dirty word — workplace discrimination doubly so. But if you don’t want your star workers leaving, a bit of favoritism goes a long way, according to William Tincup, CEO of Tincup & Co, an HR consultancy. We interviewed the popular, often-brash Mr. Tincup following a talk he gave at the Disrupt HRContinue Reading

How ‘Cool’ Perks Land Business Owners in Hot Water

A happy worker is a productive worker, common sense says, but despite some studies that claim to reveal this correlation, over 70 years of research has not yet proved the axiom true. Little wonder: It’s a tough thing to measure. These are subjective concepts, after all. What it means for an employee to be “happy” andContinue Reading

Why Going Goal-Mad Hurts Productivity and Morale

You love setting goals — too much, perhaps? Yes, goals can be great. Used the right way they bring teams together, drive effort and announce to the world your intentions to achieve. But there is a darker side to goal-setting, one that can undo everything it’s meant to accomplish. In 59 Seconds: Think a Little,Continue Reading

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