About: Fherlette Del Valle

Recent Posts by Fherlette Del Valle

Our New Portal Improves HR Task Management Efficiency

  Save more time and money while also reducing stress. Running a business can be quite overwhelming. You are working to expand and make a profit while also managing day-to-day human resources (HR) tasks. To enable you to focus your efforts on activities that actually grow your business, we created a portal that will enhanceContinue Reading

Navigating EEO-1 Reporting Season

Reporting will be open from April 30th – June 4th. It’s that time of the year again when employers are required to file their Employment Information Report, also known as EEO-1, along with their Pay Data Reports. What is an EEO-1 report? The EEO-1 report is a survey mandated by the United States Equal EmploymentContinue Reading

Fringe Benefits

  Why acting early may save you money and risk. What are non-cash fringe benefits? Non-cash fringe benefits are benefits an employee doesn’t receive cash for but does get taxed on. Some examples of commonly used fringe benefits are gift cards, Group Term Life Insurance greater than $50,000, personal use of a company vehicle, orContinue Reading

COVID Updates Effective March 2024

Updated CDC recommendations and isolation guidelines on how to protect yourself, your community, and employees from respiratory viruses The new recommendations released by the CDC on Friday, March 1, 2024, consider those most at risk and are fortunately also easier to follow. These recommendations provide a unified approach to all respiratory viruses, including COVID-19, RSV,Continue Reading

Avoiding The Potential Pitfalls Of Joint-Employment

  If you work with staffing companies or contractors it’s critical to be aware of your terms and conditions of employment since they may potentially put you in the category of a joint employer, which can now lead to unintended liabilities. What constitutes joint-employment? A recent ruling by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) mayContinue Reading

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