About: UniqueHR Marketing
Recent Posts by UniqueHR Marketing
Safety Update: New OSHA Final Rule

OSHA’s new final rule brings safety standards up to date after more than 40 years. The final rule reduces U.S. workers’ exposure to respirable crystalline silica, and requires engineering controls such as water or ventilation, or respirators when engineering controls are not adequate. This is an effort to curb diseases such as lung cancer, kidneyContinue Reading
Written on September 28, 2017 at 1:19 pm
Categories: Compliance, Regulations, Risk Management, UniqueHR News, Workplace Safety
Tags: Compliance, job site safety, risk management, safety, workplace safety
Would You Do Business with You?

Think about it. Would you do business with you? Look at it from your customers’ perspective. What are the reasons your customers select you? Is it because you are a local business? Is it because you’ve contracted Telus customer service for customer support? Is it because you’ve been producing quality metrics continuously? Because you stayContinue Reading
Written on September 11, 2017 at 2:39 pm
Categories: Human Resources, Management Company, PEO, Productivity, UniqueHR News
Tags: Business Services, Company Culture, HR, Human Resources, Payroll, PEO, risk management, workers' compensation
In the Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey

As Texas endures a hurricane, tornadoes, and catastrophic flooding, all of us at UniqueHR are grateful for our safety and hold those less fortunate in our communities in our thoughts and prayers. The devastation of Hurricane Harvey a few miles from our corporate office, and the flooding in the Houston area and throughout Texas giveContinue Reading
Written on August 30, 2017 at 4:30 pm
Categories: UniqueHR News
Tags: Human Resources, Payroll, risk management, safety
Workplace Bullying

As a kid on the playground, it was easy to spot a bully. He or she was the one stealing lunch money, pushing others down in the sandbox, or the ringleader of the group pointing and laughing at the little guy with glasses. How easy is it to spot a bully in the workplace? ResearchContinue Reading
Written on August 15, 2017 at 2:05 pm
Categories: Company Culture, Employee Management, Human Resources, Productivity
Tags: Company Culture, Employee Management, Human Resources, Workplace Bullying
8 Resume Red Flags: What to Look For…

Resumes are tricky—whether you are writing them, or reading them. As a hiring manager, it is imperative that you weed through resumes to find ideal candidates. And frankly, what a resume doesn’t say can be just as important as what it does say. Here are eight resume red flags to look out for according toContinue Reading
Written on July 25, 2017 at 7:21 pm
Categories: Hiring, Human Resources, UniqueHR News
Tags: hiring, HR, Human Resources
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