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Recent Posts by UniqueHR
How Your State’s Out-of-Control Labor Laws Could Take Your HR Department Away

Small businesses may never return to the times before out-of-control labor laws took their HR departments away, but that doesn’t mean they have no choice but to give up control. Not long ago, a California builder went to work on a few new homes. He was a typical small business owner, an artisan, subcontracted forContinue Reading
Written on November 7, 2016 at 9:13 pm
Categories: Human Resources
7 Reasons Why Business is Better in Texas

It’s no secret, Texas is one of the best states for small businesses. But it has more to offer than friendly regulations. Perhaps more than anywhere else, its culture, weather and lifestyle choices offer business owners and employees alike ways to work hard, earn a living and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Here areContinue Reading
Written on November 7, 2016 at 9:08 pm
Categories: Entrepreneurship
Liability Looms Large Over California Startup Companies

California has birthed many great success stories: the Gold Rush, Hollywood and Silicon Valley, for starters. For centuries people have moved to the West Coast seeking unconventional opportunities and fast fortunes. Those who hope to get rich quick using more conventional means may have a hard lesson to learn. Brick-and-mortar startups don’t become profitable overnightContinue Reading
Written on November 7, 2016 at 8:52 pm
Categories: Entrepreneurship, Regulations
Will 2017 Be the Year of Workers’ Comp ‘Opt-Out’ Legislation?

For 72 years, Texas’ businesses have had enjoyed an option afforded to those of no other state: to forego covering employee injuries under their statutory workers’ compensation program. Now that Oklahoma has allowed its companies a similar option and two other states are considering it, opt-out programs are now on the minds of workers’ compensationContinue Reading
Written on November 7, 2016 at 8:35 pm
Categories: Compliance, Workers' Compensation
Tags: Compliance
4 Ways to Get the Most From Your Small Business Tax Deduction

With so many big companies evading the U.S. treasury by taking advantage of tax shelters and payment loopholes, small businesses, too, want to shave a few percentage points off their business tax rates. But those who can’t afford to pull the “double Irish” or hire a team of tax attorneys to fully exploit the system’sContinue Reading
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