“Not having to worry about all of the state and federal reporting requirements has been a huge time-saver! In conjunction with all of the other HR related tasks that UniqueHR handles for us, my employee costs are more predictable and it makes budgeting infinitely easier! In general this business model has been a very cost effective one for us.”
UniqueHR also offers a variety of cost effective data collection methods such as badge time clocks, electronic timesheets, biometric fingerprint and biometric hand punch time clocks, PC clocks, web clocks, telephony systems, peripheral devices such as personal digital assistants (PDA) and Windows- based smart phones. Our software solutions include web-based & desktop time and attendance software, including over one hundred payroll exports.
From businesses of 5 to 500 or more, we scale beautifully to fit your needs. Get in touch, we will call you.